Paraview and OpenSWR
Here is a case study of ParaView, comparing OpenSWR performance to that of the Mesa llvmpipe.

In the top graph, OpenSWR outperforms llvmpipe by 29x in a scene with 2.9 million triangles and 51x when the geometry is increased to 106.2 million triangles.
The bottom graph illustrates how OpenSWR performance scales with the number of cores used for rendering.
System configuration:- Intel® Xeon® E5-2699 v3 Processor, 2 x 18 cores, 2.3GHz
- ParaView 4.3.1 (unmodified, latest released version)
- Mesa 10.5.1
- OpenSWR "alpha 2"
- TACC Isotropic turbulence data sets
- Volumes ranging from 2563 to 12803
- Isosurface + slice extracted from each volume producing geometries 2.9M to 106.2M triangles
- Model courtesy of the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC)